AdderUpper HELP
If you have lots of numbers to add up, and you need to do this with a certain frequency, the PY AdderUpper can help you out. The advantage of using it, in opposition to a normal computer desktop calculator, is the fact that you can save your number lists as files, and then re-load them again on a future occasion for extension or modification. And once you have finished with them, they remain as a permanent archive of the calculations you have carried out.

However, in addition (no pun intended) to the heavier usage described above, you might prefer to use the AdderUpper for your normal quick temporary calculations as well, as long as you need only to do addition or subtraction.
Here's a little detail that you might not discover for yourself if you weren't told.

Of course, clicking on the "Add" button shows the total in red above it. But if you DOUBLE-CLICK on the Add button, the total will be copied to the clipboard and you can then paste it into another document. A message will be flashed for 3 seconds to tell you of the copy.
The round red button at the top is round because it indicates decimal rounding! Clicking on the icon shows a list of available roundings for the total.

If you are adding up money, then for people of most nationalities the total's rounding will need to be for 2 decimal places, and this is the initial default value. However, for other purposes you will need your rounding to be for different numbers of decimal places. The maximum rounding offered is up to 14 decimal places.

When you return after closing the app, the rounding will be set to the value you last used.
For the rest, there is little to say because the buttons at the top are self-explanatory.

The text files saved by the AdderUpper include the values you have typed, followed by the total. And of course you can upload a file in order to resume work on it if you wish.

That's all, I think. Happy adderupping!
Operation is extremely simple. You just type up the numbers you wish to add in the column on the left, one value per line. If you need to subract a value rather than add it, put a minus sign (-) in front of it.
Depending on the region of the world you live in, you will use either points or commas to specify decimal values. You can type whichever you prefer. If you change your mind about this preference, you don't need to re-type what you have already done. Just click on one of the options - "Decimal Comma" or "Decimal Point" - and the app will adjust your list automatically. (Even if you don't bother to do this, and you have a mixture of commas and points, the app will still add them up correctly.)

At any point in the typing of your list, you can click on the "Add" button to show the total. But of course, if you resume typing, the total on display will be erased because it is no longer correct. And it will remain blank until you hit the "Add" button again. Whatever usage you make of the Add button makes no difference to the saving of the addition file, should you choose to keep one. If you click on the "Save As" button, the app will verify your typing, add up everything, and append a "TOTAL: " line at the end of the list of values you are saving. The output is in the form of a normal text file.